日劇白晝之月『Now You're Not Here』



「白晝之月」是日本TBS在九六年七月至九月播映的電視劇。劇中描述一個原來開朗樂觀的女孩,因為被強暴而失去了笑容。對她一見傾心的洗衣店老闆 -直樹,在知道事情真相後,費盡心機想幫助她走出陰霾。然而,在一次又一次的挫敗下,他也受到了傷害。最後他們終於了解,唯有正視心裡的傷,才有可能克服 障礙。

  劇中飾演女主角的常盤貴子,是日本當紅的魅力女星;她把心靈受創、終日為夢魘所苦的舞永一角,表達得淋漓盡致。而在臺灣知名度極 高的織田裕二,則飾演誠摯、木訥的直樹。這個凡是認真、對愛情執著不悔的角色,對他來說是再合適不過了。此外,被日本男性觀眾認為最有女人味、最具安全感 的飯島直子,擔任劇中精神科護士的角色,她的表現也非常自然、搶眼。加上性格男演員內藤剛志、青春玉女佐藤藍子……堅強的演員陣容使得本劇更顯精彩。



這首『Now You're Not Here』是日劇白晝之月《 あなたにいてほしい 》片頭曲




Now You're Not Here/SwingOut Sister


Love was young
We saw beyond a sky that had no limits
Much higher than the highest star
Beyond the furthest planet
We thought that we could change the world
And everything in it
But time ran out of endless hours
Gave into doubt, were we just playing an endless game
That no one ever wins

If i could run away
Hide away
Forget the way feel
But your memory keeps haunting me
Convincing me it's real
Now you're not here
Now you're not here

Love and hate
Left up to fate
A life we took for granted
We couldn't stop our running from the things we always wanted
No long goodbyes
No tears to cry
And nothing to believe in
But now you're gone
We'll never know a love that's grown
Time took away
All that it gave to the two of us

If i could run away
Hide away
Forget the way i feel
But your memory keeps haunting me
Convincing me it's real
Now you're not here
Now you're not here

When our hearts were young and nights were long
We'd let the morning sun kiss our eyes open
Precious dreams that we had now they are dead and gone
The promises we made have all been broken

If i could run away
Hide away
Forget the way i feel
But your memory keeps haunting me
Convincing me it's real
Now you're not here
Now you're not here

In my arms
In my life
Lovin' you, is just a memory
Now you're not here
Now you're not here
With me now, in my arms, in my mind, in my life





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